Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hello readers, welcome to Banana Slug Crossing!

If you're wondering what this is I am about to tell you.  Basically this is my blog, and like many other blogs I will post my musings about different stuff, stories, and drawings I make or made a long time ago and finally got around to sharing.  Here is an example photo:

Yeah, I have a weird thing about talking fruits and vegetables and making inanimate objects talk.  If you knew me from high school or on Facebook, you'd already know that.  I'm also a long-time fan of Natalie Dee, who is a major source of inspiration.  Check her out!

So yeah, I'm not exactly an artist, but if you like them, yay!  If not, oh well. Can't please everyone. 
I will try to update as often as I can (once every two weeks?) but real life will probably have an effect on my update schedule (ex. I currently have a full time job that takes my time, energy, and sometimes my sanity, occasional writer's block, technical difficulties, personal life stuff, new video game, etc.).  Who knows?  Maybe if I somehow get famous and make enough money from my hobbies to quit my day job, I could write full time and update daily *hint hint*

If you want to use any of my stuff on your own page or for something non-profit, please give me credit or link back here.  I am also trying to design my own shirts and stuff as a side hobby of sorts (check them out if you want to; there's a tab up at top to my shop), so please don't steal my stuff.  If you're not sure about something, please ask me; I'm actually pretty friendly if not a bit shy.

So basically that's it at the moment. Nice to meet you and hope you find me entertaining or at least interesting at times.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is only a test...

Testing... Testing....

There we go.... first photo.

Next step... get my title page photo to work. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coming Soon

Welcome! I'm currently trying to begin the process of setting up Banana Slug Crossing.  I'm pretty new to this, so this page will probably look kinda crappy until I have a better understanding of what I'm doing.